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EU projekt: CrossBench - Benchmarking of Croatian and Slovenian Hospitality: A Tool for Increasing Competitiveness and Developing Entrepreneurship

Financed by: Slovenia – Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007. – 2013.

Project duration: 2014. – 2015.

Project grant: +200.000€

Partners: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (HR), University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica (SLO), Tourism and Hospitality Chamber of Slovenia (SLO)

Project description: Specific objective of the project is to create a dynamic cross-border area of cooperation between hotel enterprises with the aim of enabling comparison of their business in order to achieve a higher level of economic development of hotels in Croatia and Slovenia and tourism in general. The objectives were achieved through the application of knowledge, research results and innovative use of ICT tools, creating a common methodology for collecting financial and non-financial data on Croatian and Slovenian hotels, creating an innovative online platform for monitoring, calculating and comparing hotel business indicators, improving the system of measuring business results and the system of internal reporting in hotels, increasing the level of specific knowledge and skills on monitoring hotel business and comparison with the competition (benchmarking analysis) among hotel management in the cross-border area and exchanging of good practices and experiences.

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