esf uloga socijalnog dijaloga

EU projekt: The Tourism Sector and the Role of Social Dialogue

Funded by: European Social Fund ESF 2014 – 2020 – Efficient Human Resources

Project duration: 2018. – 2020.

Project budget: +200.000 €

Partners: Tourism and Services Trade Union of Croatia (STUH), Camping Association of Croatia, Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA), Croatian Youth Hostel Association (HFHS), and the National Association of Family and Small Hotels (OMH)

Project description: Through the strengthening of social dialogue, a communication tool has been introduced with the aim of providing a unified voice for social partners, employers, and professionals. The vision for future communication between government bodies and the sector stems from collaboration within the industry and is based on social dialogue instruments and finding a common language. The purpose of the project is to unite the tourism sector through seamless communication among key stakeholders in Croatian tourism.

The project has been designed to develop tools for successful negotiation, action, and the implementation of sectoral policies. Analyses and research conducted at the national and international levels within this project have been presented and implemented in relevant institutions, with roundtable discussions held with them. The project resulted in three in-depth analyses while simultaneously educating employer representatives on how to engage in communication through social dialogue.

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